Mates In Construction (MIC) is a charity whose mission is to reduce the prevalence of suicide in the construction industry.
As an active supporter of MIC, Fredon attended the annual NSW Mates In Construction lunchtime charity function early this month. The event’s purpose was to raise awareness and funds for their cause, as well as to celebrate the industry leaders who have made efforts in their community to inform their peers of the importance of mental health.
Fredon’s National HSEQ Coordinator, Simon Jonas, was recognised with a MATES Champion Award for his commitment and action to bring awareness of the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace. Simon has actively been promoting the MATES IN Construction program in order to better support our workforce.
“Congratulations Simon. The work you are doing for Fredon in the areas of mental health and wellbeing and suicide prevention is really important, particularly given the prevalence of suicide within our industry. Thank you for your ongoing efforts within the company, and for your help to position Fredon as an industry leader in this space.”
Andrew Campbell, National HSEQ Manager
We are proud of Simon’s accomplishment and grateful for his contribution in shaping Fredon’s health and safety culture.